Each bouquet is constructed from a variety of Echeveria and rosette shaped succulents. All bouquets come in our standard 'Aurora' color scheme, but we do take color requests and will always do our best to accommodate based on succulent availability.
Unlike traditional floral bouquets, the succulents from your bouquet can be planted after your event and grown for many years to come. A reminder of your special day with every trip to the garden!
All bouquets include detailed care instructions as well as disassembly instructions. Large Succulent Bouquets also feature a beautiful piece of amethyst at the base of the handle to give your day that much more sparkle.
Please, allow at least 4-6 weeks prior to your event before ordering. But as always, if you need something sooner, please don't hesitate to reach out as we may be able to accommodate your request if scheduling allows.
** Please remember, the items pictured have been sold and are simply an example of what you could receive. Each item is made to order and slightly different. **